Custom Query (37 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Owner Priority Component Version Created
#56 Finish and merge the dynamic loader to trunk Jiri Svoboda major helenos/unspecified mainline 15 years
#252 Change default CROSS_PREFIX to /usr/local/cross trivial helenos/unspecified mainline 14 years
#308 Implement DDF-based protocol for keyboard devices major helenos/unspecified 13 years
#400 does not support LFN major helenos/unspecified mainline 12 years
#401 Port MSIM MIPS simulator Vojtech Horky minor helenos/unspecified mainline 12 years
#404 NIC API cleanup Jiri Svoboda major helenos/unspecified mainline 12 years
#449 devctl and locinfo should print driver and server names major helenos/unspecified mainline 12 years
#207 Introduce fault spaces to VFS major helenos/srv/vfs mainline 14 years
#259 Passing a file reference should be a first-class VFS operation major helenos/srv/vfs 14 years
#340 Printing list of mounted file systems Jakub Jermář major helenos/srv/vfs 13 years
#307 Devman and DDF-based drivers are too verbose Jiri Svoboda major helenos/srv/devman 13 years
#327 Convert Device Mapper into Location Service Jiri Svoboda major helenos/srv/devman mainline 13 years
#386 Eliminate device_added driver entry point major helenos/srv/devman mainline 13 years
#191 Tools for manual network configuration Jiri Svoboda major helenos/net/other mainline 14 years
#181 Need a way to wait for a reply "asynchronously" major helenos/lib/c mainline 14 years
#188 Enhancement of libc implementation major helenos/lib/c mainline 14 years
#273 The map ADT should not free the object if its addition to the map failed Petr Koupy major helenos/lib/c 13 years
#292 Linked list should be a separate typedef Jakub Jermář major helenos/lib/c mainline 13 years
#335 ppc32 kernel needs to be able to handle TLB misses caused by processing IRQ pseudocode Martin Decky major helenos/kernel/ppc32 13 years
#334 mips32 kernel needs to be able to handle TLB misses caused by executing IRQ pseudocode Martin Decky major helenos/kernel/mips32 13 years
#3 Memory management limitations Martin Decky major helenos/kernel/generic mainline 15 years
#50 Kconsole better tab completion ruhil minor helenos/kernel/generic mainline 15 years
#114 memory reservation feature needed Jakub Jermář major helenos/kernel/generic mainline 15 years
#336 IRQ pseudocode needs to be able to access device I/O registers mapped at arbitrary address Jakub Jermář major helenos/kernel/generic 13 years
#343 Generic address translation miss handler for the kernel address space Jakub Jermář major helenos/kernel/generic mainline 13 years
#118 -Os on some architectures requires softint to support __ashldi3 major helenos/kernel/genarch mainline 15 years
#140 Driver for ISO 9660 (cdfs) filesystem major helenos/fs/other mainline 14 years
#306 VFS_OUT protocol server-side stubs major helenos/fs/other 13 years
#58 FAT server improvement: LFN minor helenos/fs/fat mainline 15 years
#59 FAT server improvement: FAT12, FAT32, FAT64 minor helenos/fs/fat mainline 15 years
#354 USB mass storage driver Jiri Svoboda major helenos/drv/usbmast mainline 13 years
#262 The ns8250 driver uses too many magic numbers minor helenos/drv/ns8250 14 years
#332 ia64 kernel needs to be able to handle TLB misses caused by executing IRQ pseudocode Jakub Jermář major helenos-build/ia64 13 years
#333 sparc64 kernel needs to be able to handle TLB misses caused by executing IRQ pseudocode Jakub Jermář major helenos/boot/sparc64 13 years
#311 Port of Portable C Compiler (pcc) to HelenOS major helenos/app/other 13 years
#315 Port of GNU Binutils to HelenOS major helenos/app/other 13 years
#289 klog's interrupt_received() routine is too heavy-weight Martin Decky minor helenos/app/klog mainline 13 years
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