Custom Query (13 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Owner Priority Component Version Created
#124 Hands-off configure/build major helenos-build mainline 15 years
#102 Improved support for concurrent IPC requests major helenos/lib/c mainline 15 years
#144 Device drivers interface in HelenOS system major helenos/unspecified mainline 15 years
#155 Need a way to determine symbol name from an address major helenos/lib/c mainline 14 years
#187 Driver for NE2000 network card clone major helenos/net/other mainline 14 years
#214 Need a command to kill an arbitrary running task major helenos/app/other mainline 14 years
#247 Early kernel debugging major helenos/unspecified mainline 14 years
#108 Building of release files should be automated Jiri Svoboda major helenos-build mainline 15 years
#134 Support for Neo FreeRunner Jiri Svoboda major helenos/kernel/arm32 mainline 15 years
#141 ATAPI optical drive support Jiri Svoboda major helenos/unspecified mainline 15 years
#295 DDF should support multifunction devices Jiri Svoboda major helenos/srv/devman 13 years
#272 Need fibril_{mutex,rwlock_read,rwlock_write}_locked() Jakub Jermář minor helenos/lib/c 13 years
#31 Revision of panics Martin Decky minor helenos/unspecified mainline 15 years
Batch Modify
Note: See TracBatchModify for help on using batch modify.
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.