
Version 3 (modified by Vojtech Horky, 13 years ago) ( diff )

Proper formatting of commands, add links

UDF file system server

1 Current status

FS type Reading Writing
UDF Plain±-
DVD Video+N/A
Blu-Ray Video-N/A

2 TODO plan

  • Complete reading UDF plain disks
  • Complete and test reading Blu-ray disks
  • Complete support big-endian arch`s
  • Implement initial writing support for UDF plain disks

3 How to test

3.1 Download sources from my branch

bzr branch lp:~medvedeva-julia/helenos/udf helenos

3.2 Compile sources

cd helenos
make PROFILE=ia32

3.3 Create udf disk image under Linux

To create udf image under Linux you need to install package with UDF utilities. For example at Arch its udftools. The package should contain mkudffs tool.

mkudffs --media-type=hd --blocksize=512 --utf8 ./udf.img

You can also select media type: "hd" or "dvd" and blocksize: 512 or 2048 or something else.

3.4 Mount udf disk image under Linux

You can mount udf image (from step 3.3) under your Linux host and copy several files in it.

mount -o loop -t udf ./udf.img /mnt/udf-mount-point

where udf.img - image from step 3.3

3.5 Boot HelenOS with user disk image

To boot HelenOS run qemu:

qemu-system-i386 -m 512 -boot d -hda udf.img -cdrom image.iso

udf.img - udf disk image

3.6 Mount user disk image under HelenOS

In HelenOS run batch script to run udf server, ata server and mounting first ata disk as udf

batch u

Then, go to /mnt directory:

cd /mnt

and here you are :)

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