Opened 10 years ago

Closed 9 years ago

#608 closed defect (fixed)

bbxm: amdm37x_dispc crashes on system startup

Reported by: Jakub Jermář Owned by: Jan Vesely
Priority: major Milestone: 0.7.0
Component: helenos/drv/amdm37x_dispc Version: mainline
Keywords: arm32, bbxm, amdm37x_dispc Cc:
Blocker for: Depends on:
See also:


HelenOS mainline,2283 crashes during boot (serial console, no display attached):

Task amdm37x_dispc (22) killed due to an exception at program counter 0x0000b670.
r0 =0x0063c000  r1 =0xff000000  r2 =0x0063c000  r3 =0x00000000
r4 =0x00136230  r5 =0x00000400  r6 =0x00000000  r7 =0x0033c004
r8 =0x00000000  r9 =0x0013635c  r10=0x00000001  fp =0x0033ade4
r12=0x0033ade8  sp =0x0033add8  lr =0x0000125c  spsr=0x80000050
0x0033ade4: 0x0000b670()
0x0033ae2c: 0x0000125c()
0x0033aedc: 0x0000ae44()
0x0033af2c: 0x000019d0()
0x0033afa4: 0x00001c78()
0x0033afdc: 0x00020d24()
0x0033aff4: 0x00015680()
Kill message: Page fault: 0x0063c000.
taskmon: Task 22 fault in thread 0x80705e00.
taskmon: Executing /app/taskdump -t 22
Task Dump Utility
Dumping task 'amdm37x_dispc' (task ID 22).
failed opening file
failed opening file
Loaded symbol table from /drv/amdm37x_dispc/amdm37x_dispc

 [1] hash: 0x80705e00
Thread 0x80705e00: PC = 0x0000b670 (pixel2bgr_888+16). FP = 0x0033ade4
  0x0033ade4: 0x0000b670 (pixel2bgr_888+16)
  0x0033ae2c: 0x0000125c (handle_damage+432)
  0x0033aedc: 0x0000ae44 (graph_visualizer_connection+360)
  0x0033af2c: 0x000019d0 (driver_connection_gen.isra.8+232)
  0x0033afa4: 0x00001c78 (driver_connection+164)
  0x0033afdc: 0x00020d24 (connection_fibril+224)
  0x0033aff4: 0x00015680 (fibril_main+32)

Address space areas:
 [1] flags: R-XC base: 0x00001000 size: 196608
 [2] flags: RW-C base: 0x00031000 size: 4096
 [3] flags: RW-C base: 0x00032000 size: 4096
 [4] flags: RW-C base: 0x00034000 size: 1048576
 [5] flags: RW-C base: 0x00135000 size: 8192
 [6] flags: RW-C base: 0x00138000 size: 1048576
 [7] flags: RW-- base: 0x00239000 size: 4096
 [8] flags: RW-C base: 0x0023b000 size: 1048576
 [9] flags: R--C base: 0x0033c000 size: 3145728
 [10] flags: R-XC base: 0x70001000 size: 135168
 [11] flags: RW-C base: 0x70022000 size: 8192
 [12] flags: RW-C base: 0x70024000 size: 4096
 [13] flags: RW-C base: 0x70026000 size: 1048576
 [14] flags: RW-C base: 0x70127000 size: 1048576
 [15] flags: RW-C base: 0x7ff00000 size: 1048576

Fibril 0x000329e0:
  0x70226ef4: 0x00015724 (fibril_switch+156)
  0x70226f0c: 0x00002e54 (ddf_driver_main+128)
  0x70226f1c: 0x0000bd64 (__main+124)
  0x70226f2c: 0x00001094 (__entry+32)
Fibril 0x00032cb0:
  0x00133f74: 0x00015724 (fibril_switch+156)
  0x00133fdc: 0x00021c08 (async_manager_fibril+72)
  0x00133ff4: 0x00015680 (fibril_main+32)
Fibril 0x00032ec0:
  0x00237efc: 0x00015724 (fibril_switch+156)
  0x00237f2c: 0x000214e8 (async_get_call_timeout+140)
  0x00237fa4: 0x00001c14 (driver_connection+64)
  0x00237fdc: 0x00020d24 (connection_fibril+224)
  0x00237ff4: 0x00015680 (fibril_main+32)
Fibril 0x001363d0:
  0x0033adfc: 0x00015724 (fibril_switch+156)
  0x0033ae2c: 0x00021564 (async_get_call_timeout+264)
  0x0033aedc: 0x0000ae44 (graph_visualizer_connection+360)
  0x0033af2c: 0x000019d0 (driver_connection_gen.isra.8+232)
  0x0033afa4: 0x00001c78 (driver_connection+164)
  0x0033afdc: 0x00020d24 (connection_fibril+224)
  0x0033aff4: 0x00015680 (fibril_main+32)

Change History (3)

comment:1 by Jakub Jermář, 10 years ago

Component: helenos/unspecifiedhelenos/drv/amdm37x_dispc
Owner: set to Jan Vesely

comment:2 by Jan Vesely, 9 years ago

I found some time to bisect this.
The last good revision is r2066.
The first revision to segfault on startup is r2067.

comment:3 by Jan Vesely, 9 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed
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