Custom Query (12 matches)


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Status: closed (12 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Component Version
#759 Incremental build is broken Jiří Zárevúcky defect major helenos-build mainline
#783 Uspace code targeted for ARMv4 contains ARMv5 instructions Jiří Zárevúcky defect major gcc/libgcc/arm32 mainline
#356 PCI info utility Jiri Svoboda enhancement minor helenos/unspecified mainline
#785 vterm sometimes crashes Jiri Svoboda defect major helenos/gui mainline
#569 Extend to check whether toolchain needs to be rebuilt enhancement minor helenos/unspecified mainline
#613 No user interface on Malta enhancement major helenos/unspecified mainline
#779 ls -r crashes in an empty directory defect major helenos/unspecified mainline
#782 HelenOS does not boot on Raspberry Pi defect major helenos/boot/arm32 mainline
#784 HelenOS does not boot on Dell PowerEdge 3250 defect major helenos/boot/ia64 mainline
#786 Sysinfo mapping of OFW properties is broken defect major helenos/unspecified mainline
#795 Dynamically linked binaries produce a lot of warnings on sparc64 defect major helenos/lib/c mainline
#796 Lots of spurious interrupts on ppc32 after upgrade to QEMU 4.0.0 defect major helenos/kernel/ppc32 mainline
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Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.