Custom Query (13 matches)


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Status: closed (13 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Version Resolution
#75 Large I/O areas are broken defect major mainline invalid
#76 Framebuffer driver hangs on arm32 defect major mainline worksforme
#80 tmpfs_restore() fails on arm32 defect major mainline fixed
#97 Tracer cannot cope with console inheritance defect major mainline fixed
#98 'cat readme' hangs on mips32 defect blocker mainline duplicate
#99 bdsh hangs after reading the second command on ia64 and sparc64 defect blocker mainline fixed
#106 Wrong visuals for HelenOS/sparc64 simics framebuffer defect major mainline fixed
#107 HelenOS/sparc64 does not boot with CONFIG_RD_EXTERNAL defect major mainline invalid
#24 mips32 (big endian variant) user space not working in GXEMUL Jiri Svoboda defect major mainline fixed
#7 Port the arm32 port to QEMU Vineeth Pillai enhancement minor mainline fixed
#22 FAT file names should be lower-case Martin Decky enhancement minor mainline wontfix
#44 Advanced way of wiring kernel HID devices Martin Decky enhancement major mainline fixed
#82 ls: skipping bogus node null Martin Decky defect major mainline fixed
Batch Modify
Note: See TracBatchModify for help on using batch modify.
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.