Changeset e50cd7f in mainline for uspace/drv/ohci/ohci_regs.h

2011-04-17T19:17:55Z (14 years ago)
Matej Klonfar <maklf@…>
lfn, master, serial, ticket/834-toolchain-update, topic/msim-upgrade, topic/simplify-dev-export
63517c2, cfbbe1d3
ef354b6 (diff), 8595577b (diff)
Note: this is a merge changeset, the changes displayed below correspond to the merge itself.
Use the (diff) links above to see all the changes relative to each parent.

new report structure fixes

1 edited


  • uspace/drv/ohci/ohci_regs.h

    ref354b6 re50cd7f  
    4141        const volatile uint32_t revision;
    4242        volatile uint32_t control;
    43 #define C_CSBR_MASK (0x3)
     43#define C_CSBR_MASK (0x3) /* Control-bulk service ratio */
     44#define C_CSBR_1_1  (0x0)
     45#define C_CSBR_1_2  (0x1)
     46#define C_CSBR_1_3  (0x2)
     47#define C_CSBR_1_4  (0x3)
    4448#define C_CSBR_SHIFT (0)
    45 #define C_PLE (1 << 2)
    46 #define C_IE (1 << 3)
    47 #define C_CLE (1 << 4)
    48 #define C_BLE (1 << 5)
    50 #define C_HCFS_MASK (0x3)
    51 #define C_HCFS_SHIFT (6)
    52 #define C_HCFS_RESET (0x0)
    53 #define C_HCFS_OPERATIONAL (0x1)
    54 #define C_HCFS_RESUME (0x2)
    55 #define C_HCFS_SUSPEND (0x3)
    57 #define C_IR (1 << 8)
    58 #define C_RWC (1 << 9)
    59 #define C_RWE (1 << 10)
     50#define C_PLE (1 << 2)   /* Periodic list enable */
     51#define C_IE  (1 << 3)   /* Isochronous enable */
     52#define C_CLE (1 << 4)   /* Control list enable */
     53#define C_BLE (1 << 5)   /* Bulk list enable */
     55#define C_HCFS_MASK        (0x3) /* Host controller functional state */
     56#define C_HCFS_RESET       (0x0)
     57#define C_HCFS_RESUME      (0x1)
     58#define C_HCFS_OPERATIONAL (0x2)
     59#define C_HCFS_SUSPEND     (0x3)
     60#define C_HCFS_SHIFT       (6)
     62#define C_IR  (1 << 8)   /* Interrupt routing, make sure it's 0 */
     63#define C_RWC (1 << 9)   /* Remote wakeup connected, host specific */
     64#define C_RWE (1 << 10)  /* Remote wakeup enable */
    6166        volatile uint32_t command_status;
    62 #define CS_HCR (1 << 0)
    63 #define CS_CLF (1 << 1)
    64 #define CS_BLF (1 << 2)
    65 #define CS_OCR (1 << 3)
    66 #define CS_SOC_MASK (0x3)
     67#define CS_HCR (1 << 0)   /* Host controller reset */
     68#define CS_CLF (1 << 1)   /* Control list filled */
     69#define CS_BLF (1 << 2)   /* Bulk list filled */
     70#define CS_OCR (1 << 3)   /* Ownership change request */
     71#define CS_SOC_MASK (0x3) /* Scheduling overrun count */
    6772#define CS_SOC_SHIFT (16)
    6974        volatile uint32_t interrupt_status;
    70 #define IS_SO (1 << 0)
    71 #define IS_WDH (1 << 1)
    72 #define IS_SF (1 << 2)
    73 #define IS_RD (1 << 3)
    74 #define IS_UE (1 << 4)
    75 #define IS_FNO (1 << 5)
    76 #define IS_RHSC (1 << 6)
    77 #define IS_OC (1 << 30)
    79         volatile uint32_t interupt_enable;
    80 #define IE_SO   (1 << 0)
    81 #define IE_WDH  (1 << 1)
    82 #define IE_SF   (1 << 2)
    83 #define IE_RD   (1 << 3)
    84 #define IE_UE   (1 << 4)
    85 #define IE_FNO  (1 << 5)
    86 #define IE_RHSC (1 << 6)
    87 #define IE_OC   (1 << 30)
    88 #define IE_MIE  (1 << 31)
     75#define IS_SO   (1 << 0)  /* Scheduling overrun */
     76#define IS_WDH  (1 << 1)  /* Write-back done head */
     77#define IS_SF   (1 << 2)  /* Start of frame */
     78#define IS_RD   (1 << 3)  /* Resume detected */
     79#define IS_UE   (1 << 4)  /* Unrecoverable error */
     80#define IS_FNO  (1 << 5)  /* Frame number overflow */
     81#define IS_RHSC (1 << 6)  /* Root hub status change */
     82#define IS_OC   (1 << 30) /* Ownership change */
     84        /** Interupt enable/disable, reads give the same value, writing causes
     85         * enable/disable */
     86        volatile uint32_t interrupt_enable;
    9087        volatile uint32_t interrupt_disable;
     88#define I_SO   (1 << 0)   /* Scheduling overrun */
     89#define I_WDH  (1 << 1)   /* Done head write-back */
     90#define I_SF   (1 << 2)   /* Start of frame */
     91#define I_RD   (1 << 3)   /* Resume detect */
     92#define I_UE   (1 << 4)   /* Unrecoverable error */
     93#define I_FNO  (1 << 5)   /* Frame number overflow */
     94#define I_RHSC (1 << 6)   /* Root hub status change */
     95#define I_OC   (1 << 30)  /* Ownership change */
     96#define I_MI   (1 << 31)  /* Master interrupt (all/any interrupts) */
     98        /** HCCA pointer (see hw_struct hcca.h) */
    9199        volatile uint32_t hcca;
    92         volatile uint32_t period_corrent;
     100#define HCCA_PTR_MASK 0xffffff00 /* HCCA is 256B aligned */
     102        /** Currently executed periodic endpoint */
     103        const volatile uint32_t periodic_current;
     105        /** The first control endpoint */
    93106        volatile uint32_t control_head;
     108        /** Currently executed control endpoint */
    94109        volatile uint32_t control_current;
     111        /** The first bulk endpoint */
    95112        volatile uint32_t bulk_head;
     114        /** Currently executed bulk endpoint */
    96115        volatile uint32_t bulk_current;
    97         volatile uint32_t done_head;
     117        /** Done TD list, this value is periodically written to HCCA */
     118        const volatile uint32_t done_head;
     120        /** Frame time and max packet size for all transfers */
    98121        volatile uint32_t fm_interval;
    99         volatile uint32_t fm_remaining;
    100         volatile uint32_t fm_number;
     122#define FMI_FI_MASK (0x3fff) /* Frame interval in bit times (should be 11999)*/
     123#define FMI_FI_SHIFT (0)
     124#define FMI_FSMPS_MASK (0x7fff) /* Full speed max packet size */
     125#define FMI_FSMPS_SHIFT (16)
     126#define FMI_TOGGLE_FLAG (1 << 31)
     128        /** Bit times remaining in current frame */
     129        const volatile uint32_t fm_remaining;
     130#define FMR_FR_MASK FMI_FI_MASK
     131#define FMR_FR_SHIFT FMI_FI_SHIFT
     134        /** Frame number */
     135        const volatile uint32_t fm_number;
     136#define FMN_NUMBER_MASK (0xffff)
     138        /** Remaining bit time in frame to start periodic transfers */
    101139        volatile uint32_t periodic_start;
     140#define PS_PS_MASK (0x3fff) /* bit time when periodic get priority (0x3e67) */
     142        /** Threshold for starting LS transaction */
    102143        volatile uint32_t ls_threshold;
     144#define LST_LST_MASK (0x7fff)
     146        /** The first root hub control register */
    103147        volatile uint32_t rh_desc_a;
     148#define RHDA_NDS_MASK (0xff) /* Number of downstream ports, max 15 */
     149#define RHDA_NDS_SHIFT (0)
     150#define RHDA_PSM_FLAG  (1 << 8)  /* Power switching mode: 0-global, 1-per port*/
     151#define RHDA_NPS_FLAG  (1 << 9)  /* No power switch: 1-power on, 0-use PSM*/
     152#define RHDA_DT_FLAG   (1 << 10) /* 1-Compound device, must be 0 */
     153#define RHDA_OCPM_FLAG (1 << 11) /* Over-current mode: 0-global, 1-per port */
     154#define RHDA_NOCP      (1 << 12) /* OC control: 0-use OCPM, 1-OC off */
     155#define RHDA_POTPGT_MASK (0xff)  /* Power on to power good time */
     156#define RHDA_POTPGT_SHIFT (24)
     158        /** The other root hub control register */
    104159        volatile uint32_t rh_desc_b;
     160#define RHDB_DR_MASK (0xffff) /* Device removable mask */
     161#define RHDB_DR_SHIFT (0)
     162#define RHDB_PCC_MASK (0xffff) /* Power control mask */
     163#define RHDB_PCC_SHIFT (16)
     165/* Port device removable status */
     166#define RHDB_DR_FLAG(port) (((1 << port) & RHDB_DR_MASK) << RHDB_DR_SHIFT)
     167/* Port power control status: 1-per port power control, 0-global power switch */
     168#define RHDB_PPC_FLAG(port) (((1 << port) & RHDB_DR_MASK) << RHDB_DR_SHIFT)
     170        /** Root hub status register */
    105171        volatile uint32_t rh_status;
     172#define RHS_LPS_FLAG  (1 <<  0)/* read: 0,
     173                                * write: 0-no effect,
     174                                *        1-turn off port power for ports
     175                                *        specified in PPCM(RHDB), or all ports,
     176                                *        if power is set globally */
     177#define RHS_CLEAR_PORT_POWER RHS_LPS_FLAG /* synonym for the above */
     178#define RHS_OCI_FLAG  (1 <<  1)/* Over-current indicator, if per-port: 0 */
     179#define RHS_DRWE_FLAG (1 << 15)/* read: 0-connect status change does not wake HC
     180                                *       1-connect status change wakes HC
     181                                * write: 1-set DRWE, 0-no effect */
     182#define RHS_SET_DRWE RHS_DRWE_FLAG
     183#define RHS_LPSC_FLAG (1 << 16)/* read: 0,
     184                                * write: 0-no effect
     185                                *        1-turn on port power for ports
     186                                *        specified in PPCM(RHDB), or all ports,
     187                                *        if power is set globally */
     188#define RHS_SET_PORT_POWER RHS_LPSC_FLAG /* synonym for the above */
     189#define RHS_OCIC_FLAG (1 << 17)/* Over-current indicator change   */
     190#define RHS_CLEAR_DRWE (1 << 31)
     192        /** Root hub per port status */
    106193        volatile uint32_t rh_port_status[];
     194#define RHPS_CCS_FLAG (1 << 0) /* r: current connect status,
     195                                * w: 1-clear port enable, 0-nothing */
     197#define RHPS_PES_FLAG (1 << 1) /* r: port enable status
     198                                * w: 1-set port enable, 0-nothing */
     200#define RHPS_PSS_FLAG (1 << 2) /* r: port suspend status
     201                                * w: 1-set port suspend, 0-nothing */
     203#define RHPS_POCI_FLAG (1 << 3) /* r: port over-current (if reports are per-port
     204                                 * w: 1-clear port suspend (start resume
     205                                 *      if suspened)
     206                                 *    0-nothing */
     208#define RHPS_PRS_FLAG (1 << 4) /* r: port reset status
     209                                * w: 1-set port reset, 0-nothing */
     211#define RHPS_PPS_FLAG (1 << 8) /* r: port power status
     212                                * w: 1-set port power, 0-nothing */
     214#define RHPS_LSDA_FLAG (1 << 9) /* r: low speed device attached
     215                                 * w: 1-clear port power, 0-nothing */
     217#define RHPS_CSC_FLAG  (1 << 16) /* connect status change Write-Clean */
     218#define RHPS_PESC_FLAG (1 << 17) /* port enable status change WC */
     219#define RHPS_PSSC_FLAG (1 << 18) /* port suspend status change WC */
     220#define RHPS_OCIC_FLAG (1 << 19) /* port over-current change WC */
     221#define RHPS_PRSC_FLAG (1 << 20) /* port reset status change WC */
     222#define RHPS_CHANGE_WC_MASK 0x1f0000
    107223} __attribute__((packed)) ohci_regs_t;
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