Changes in / [5b26747:bed78cb] in mainline
- Files:
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r5b26747 rbed78cb 578 578 # USB settings 579 579 580 % USB release build (less logging)581 ! CONFIG_USB_ RELEASE_BUILD (y/n)580 % USB verbose messages 581 ! CONFIG_USB_VERBOSE (n/y) 582 582 583 583 % Start virtual USB host controller -
r5b26747 rbed78cb 33 33 */ 34 34 35 /** Paging on AMD6436 *37 * The space is divided in positive numbers (uspace) and38 * negative numbers (kernel). The 'negative' space starting39 * with 0xffff800000000000 and ending with 0xffffffffffffffff40 * is identically mapped physical memory.41 *42 */43 44 35 #ifndef KERN_amd64_PAGE_H_ 45 36 #define KERN_amd64_PAGE_H_ -
r5b26747 rbed78cb 48 48 #include <align.h> 49 49 #include <macros.h> 50 #include <bitops.h> 50 51 51 52 static void pt_mapping_insert(as_t *, uintptr_t, uintptr_t, unsigned int); … … 292 293 } 293 294 295 /** Return the size of the region mapped by a single PTL0 entry. 296 * 297 * @return Size of the region mapped by a single PTL0 entry. 298 */ 299 static uintptr_t ptl0_step_get(void) 300 { 301 size_t va_bits; 302 303 va_bits = fnzb(PTL0_ENTRIES) + fnzb(PTL1_ENTRIES) + fnzb(PTL2_ENTRIES) + 304 fnzb(PTL3_ENTRIES) + PAGE_WIDTH; 305 306 return 1UL << (va_bits - fnzb(PTL0_ENTRIES)); 307 } 308 294 309 /** Make the mappings in the given range global accross all address spaces. 295 310 * … … 309 324 { 310 325 uintptr_t ptl0 = PA2KA((uintptr_t) AS_KERNEL->genarch.page_table); 311 uintptr_t ptl0 step = (((uintptr_t) -1) / PTL0_ENTRIES) + 1;326 uintptr_t ptl0_step = ptl0_step_get(); 312 327 size_t order; 313 328 uintptr_t addr; … … 321 336 #endif 322 337 323 ASSERT(ispwr2(ptl0step));324 338 ASSERT(size > 0); 325 339 326 for (addr = ALIGN_DOWN(base, ptl0 step); addr - 1 < base + size - 1;327 addr += ptl0 step) {340 for (addr = ALIGN_DOWN(base, ptl0_step); addr - 1 < base + size - 1; 341 addr += ptl0_step) { 328 342 uintptr_t l1; 329 343 -
r5b26747 rbed78cb 42 42 43 43 typedef struct { 44 SPINLOCK_DECLARE(lock);44 IRQ_SPINLOCK_DECLARE(lock); 45 45 list_t spans; /**< List of arena's spans. */ 46 46 } ra_arena_t; -
r5b26747 rbed78cb 81 81 slab_magazine_t *current; 82 82 slab_magazine_t *last; 83 SPINLOCK_DECLARE(lock);83 IRQ_SPINLOCK_DECLARE(lock); 84 84 } slab_mag_cache_t; 85 85 … … 113 113 list_t full_slabs; /**< List of full slabs */ 114 114 list_t partial_slabs; /**< List of partial slabs */ 115 SPINLOCK_DECLARE(slablock);115 IRQ_SPINLOCK_DECLARE(slablock); 116 116 /* Magazines */ 117 117 list_t magazines; /**< List o full magazines */ 118 SPINLOCK_DECLARE(maglock);118 IRQ_SPINLOCK_DECLARE(maglock); 119 119 120 120 /** CPU cache */ -
r5b26747 rbed78cb 185 185 return NULL; 186 186 187 spinlock_initialize(&arena->lock, "arena_lock");187 irq_spinlock_initialize(&arena->lock, "arena_lock"); 188 188 list_initialize(&arena->spans); 189 189 … … 209 209 210 210 /* TODO: check for overlaps */ 211 spinlock_lock(&arena->lock);211 irq_spinlock_lock(&arena->lock, true); 212 212 list_append(&span->span_link, &arena->spans); 213 spinlock_unlock(&arena->lock);213 irq_spinlock_unlock(&arena->lock, true); 214 214 return true; 215 215 } … … 390 390 ASSERT(ispwr2(alignment)); 391 391 392 spinlock_lock(&arena->lock);392 irq_spinlock_lock(&arena->lock, true); 393 393 list_foreach(arena->spans, cur) { 394 394 ra_span_t *span = list_get_instance(cur, ra_span_t, span_link); … … 398 398 break; 399 399 } 400 spinlock_unlock(&arena->lock);400 irq_spinlock_unlock(&arena->lock, true); 401 401 402 402 return base; … … 406 406 void ra_free(ra_arena_t *arena, uintptr_t base, size_t size) 407 407 { 408 spinlock_lock(&arena->lock);408 irq_spinlock_lock(&arena->lock, true); 409 409 list_foreach(arena->spans, cur) { 410 410 ra_span_t *span = list_get_instance(cur, ra_span_t, span_link); … … 412 412 if (iswithin(span->base, span->size, base, size)) { 413 413 ra_span_free(span, base, size); 414 spinlock_unlock(&arena->lock);414 irq_spinlock_unlock(&arena->lock, true); 415 415 return; 416 416 } 417 417 } 418 spinlock_unlock(&arena->lock);418 irq_spinlock_unlock(&arena->lock, true); 419 419 420 420 panic("Freeing to wrong arena (base=%" PRIxn ", size=%" PRIdn ").", -
r5b26747 rbed78cb 1086 1086 #endif 1087 1087 1088 /* 1089 * Since the mem_avail_mtx is an active mutex, we need to disable interrupts 1090 * to prevent deadlock with TLB shootdown. 1091 */ 1092 ipl_t ipl = interrupts_disable(); 1088 1093 mutex_lock(&mem_avail_mtx); 1089 1094 … … 1098 1103 1099 1104 mutex_unlock(&mem_avail_mtx); 1105 interrupts_restore(ipl); 1100 1106 1101 1107 #ifdef CONFIG_DEBUG … … 1161 1167 * Signal that some memory has been freed. 1162 1168 */ 1169 1170 1171 /* 1172 * Since the mem_avail_mtx is an active mutex, we need to disable interrupts 1173 * to prevent deadlock with TLB shootdown. 1174 */ 1175 ipl_t ipl = interrupts_disable(); 1163 1176 mutex_lock(&mem_avail_mtx); 1164 1177 if (mem_avail_req > 0) … … 1170 1183 } 1171 1184 mutex_unlock(&mem_avail_mtx); 1185 interrupts_restore(ipl); 1172 1186 1173 1187 if (!(flags & FRAME_NO_RESERVE)) -
r5b26747 rbed78cb 264 264 freed = cache->destructor(obj); 265 265 266 spinlock_lock(&cache->slablock);266 irq_spinlock_lock(&cache->slablock, true); 267 267 ASSERT(slab->available < cache->objects); 268 268 … … 275 275 /* Free associated memory */ 276 276 list_remove(&slab->link); 277 spinlock_unlock(&cache->slablock);277 irq_spinlock_unlock(&cache->slablock, true); 278 278 279 279 return freed + slab_space_free(cache, slab); … … 284 284 } 285 285 286 spinlock_unlock(&cache->slablock);286 irq_spinlock_unlock(&cache->slablock, true); 287 287 return freed; 288 288 } … … 295 295 NO_TRACE static void *slab_obj_create(slab_cache_t *cache, unsigned int flags) 296 296 { 297 spinlock_lock(&cache->slablock);297 irq_spinlock_lock(&cache->slablock, true); 298 298 299 299 slab_t *slab; … … 308 308 * 309 309 */ 310 spinlock_unlock(&cache->slablock);310 irq_spinlock_unlock(&cache->slablock, true); 311 311 slab = slab_space_alloc(cache, flags); 312 312 if (!slab) 313 313 return NULL; 314 314 315 spinlock_lock(&cache->slablock);315 irq_spinlock_lock(&cache->slablock, true); 316 316 } else { 317 317 slab = list_get_instance(list_first(&cache->partial_slabs), … … 329 329 list_prepend(&slab->link, &cache->partial_slabs); 330 330 331 spinlock_unlock(&cache->slablock);331 irq_spinlock_unlock(&cache->slablock, true); 332 332 333 333 if ((cache->constructor) && (cache->constructor(obj, flags))) { … … 355 355 link_t *cur; 356 356 357 spinlock_lock(&cache->maglock);357 irq_spinlock_lock(&cache->maglock, true); 358 358 if (!list_empty(&cache->magazines)) { 359 359 if (first) … … 366 366 atomic_dec(&cache->magazine_counter); 367 367 } 368 369 spinlock_unlock(&cache->maglock); 368 irq_spinlock_unlock(&cache->maglock, true); 369 370 370 return mag; 371 371 } … … 377 377 slab_magazine_t *mag) 378 378 { 379 spinlock_lock(&cache->maglock);379 irq_spinlock_lock(&cache->maglock, true); 380 380 381 381 list_prepend(&mag->link, &cache->magazines); 382 382 atomic_inc(&cache->magazine_counter); 383 383 384 spinlock_unlock(&cache->maglock);384 irq_spinlock_unlock(&cache->maglock, true); 385 385 } 386 386 … … 414 414 slab_magazine_t *lastmag = cache->mag_cache[CPU->id].last; 415 415 416 ASSERT( spinlock_locked(&cache->mag_cache[CPU->id].lock));416 ASSERT(irq_spinlock_locked(&cache->mag_cache[CPU->id].lock)); 417 417 418 418 if (cmag) { /* First try local CPU magazines */ … … 451 451 return NULL; 452 452 453 spinlock_lock(&cache->mag_cache[CPU->id].lock);453 irq_spinlock_lock(&cache->mag_cache[CPU->id].lock, true); 454 454 455 455 slab_magazine_t *mag = get_full_current_mag(cache); 456 456 if (!mag) { 457 spinlock_unlock(&cache->mag_cache[CPU->id].lock);457 irq_spinlock_unlock(&cache->mag_cache[CPU->id].lock, true); 458 458 return NULL; 459 459 } 460 460 461 461 void *obj = mag->objs[--mag->busy]; 462 spinlock_unlock(&cache->mag_cache[CPU->id].lock);462 irq_spinlock_unlock(&cache->mag_cache[CPU->id].lock, true); 463 463 464 464 atomic_dec(&cache->cached_objs); … … 481 481 slab_magazine_t *lastmag = cache->mag_cache[CPU->id].last; 482 482 483 ASSERT( spinlock_locked(&cache->mag_cache[CPU->id].lock));483 ASSERT(irq_spinlock_locked(&cache->mag_cache[CPU->id].lock)); 484 484 485 485 if (cmag) { … … 531 531 return -1; 532 532 533 spinlock_lock(&cache->mag_cache[CPU->id].lock);533 irq_spinlock_lock(&cache->mag_cache[CPU->id].lock, true); 534 534 535 535 slab_magazine_t *mag = make_empty_current_mag(cache); 536 536 if (!mag) { 537 spinlock_unlock(&cache->mag_cache[CPU->id].lock);537 irq_spinlock_unlock(&cache->mag_cache[CPU->id].lock, true); 538 538 return -1; 539 539 } … … 541 541 mag->objs[mag->busy++] = obj; 542 542 543 spinlock_unlock(&cache->mag_cache[CPU->id].lock);543 irq_spinlock_unlock(&cache->mag_cache[CPU->id].lock, true); 544 544 545 545 atomic_inc(&cache->cached_objs); … … 593 593 for (i = 0; i < config.cpu_count; i++) { 594 594 memsetb(&cache->mag_cache[i], sizeof(cache->mag_cache[i]), 0); 595 spinlock_initialize(&cache->mag_cache[i].lock,595 irq_spinlock_initialize(&cache->mag_cache[i].lock, 596 596 "slab.cache.mag_cache[].lock"); 597 597 } … … 624 624 list_initialize(&cache->magazines); 625 625 626 spinlock_initialize(&cache->slablock, "slab.cache.slablock");627 spinlock_initialize(&cache->maglock, "slab.cache.maglock");626 irq_spinlock_initialize(&cache->slablock, "slab.cache.slablock"); 627 irq_spinlock_initialize(&cache->maglock, "slab.cache.maglock"); 628 628 629 629 if (!(cache->flags & SLAB_CACHE_NOMAGAZINE)) … … 704 704 size_t i; 705 705 for (i = 0; i < config.cpu_count; i++) { 706 spinlock_lock(&cache->mag_cache[i].lock);706 irq_spinlock_lock(&cache->mag_cache[i].lock, true); 707 707 708 708 mag = cache->mag_cache[i].current; … … 716 716 cache->mag_cache[i].last = NULL; 717 717 718 spinlock_unlock(&cache->mag_cache[i].lock);718 irq_spinlock_unlock(&cache->mag_cache[i].lock, true); 719 719 } 720 720 } -
r5b26747 rbed78cb 40 40 #include <debug.h> 41 41 #include <arch.h> 42 #include <stacktrace.h> 42 43 43 44 /** Initialize mutex. … … 61 62 return semaphore_count_get(&mtx->sem) <= 0; 62 63 } 64 65 #define MUTEX_DEADLOCK_THRESHOLD 100000000 63 66 64 67 /** Acquire mutex. … … 87 90 ASSERT(!(flags & SYNCH_FLAGS_INTERRUPTIBLE)); 88 91 92 unsigned int cnt = 0; 93 bool deadlock_reported = false; 89 94 do { 95 if (cnt++ > MUTEX_DEADLOCK_THRESHOLD) { 96 printf("cpu%u: looping on active mutex %p\n", 97 CPU->id, mtx); 98 stack_trace(); 99 cnt = 0; 100 deadlock_reported = true; 101 } 90 102 rc = semaphore_trydown(&mtx->sem); 91 103 } while (SYNCH_FAILED(rc) && 92 104 !(flags & SYNCH_FLAGS_NON_BLOCKING)); 105 if (deadlock_reported) 106 printf("cpu%u: not deadlocked\n", CPU->id); 93 107 } 94 108 -
r5b26747 rbed78cb 44 44 #include <debug.h> 45 45 #include <symtab.h> 46 #include <stacktrace.h> 46 47 47 48 #ifdef CONFIG_SMP … … 104 105 "caller=%p (%s)\n", CPU->id, lock, lock->name, 105 106 (void *) CALLER, symtab_fmt_name_lookup(CALLER)); 107 stack_trace(); 106 108 107 109 i = 0; … … 260 262 int rc = spinlock_trylock(&(lock->lock)); 261 263 262 ASSERT_IRQ_SPINLOCK(! lock->guard, lock);264 ASSERT_IRQ_SPINLOCK(!rc || !lock->guard, lock); 263 265 return rc; 264 266 } -
r5b26747 rbed78cb 81 81 82 82 /** Default log level. */ 83 #ifdef CONFIG_USB_RELEASE_BUILD 83 #ifdef CONFIG_USB_VERBOSE 84 # define USB_LOG_LEVEL_DEFAULT USB_LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG 85 #else 84 86 # define USB_LOG_LEVEL_DEFAULT USB_LOG_LEVEL_INFO 85 #else86 # define USB_LOG_LEVEL_DEFAULT USB_LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG87 87 #endif 88 88 -
r5b26747 rbed78cb 44 44 #include <io/log.h> 45 45 #include <stdlib.h> 46 #include < thread.h>46 #include <fibril.h> 47 47 #include "conn.h" 48 48 #include "ncsim.h" … … 119 119 } 120 120 121 /** Network condition simulator handler thread. */122 static void tcp_ncsim_thread(void *arg)121 /** Network condition simulator handler fibril. */ 122 static int tcp_ncsim_fibril(void *arg) 123 123 { 124 124 link_t *link; … … 126 126 int rc; 127 127 128 log_msg(LVL_DEBUG, "tcp_ncsim_ thread()");128 log_msg(LVL_DEBUG, "tcp_ncsim_fibril()"); 129 129 130 130 … … 151 151 free(sqe); 152 152 } 153 154 /* Not reached */ 155 return 0; 153 156 } 154 157 155 /** Start simulator handler thread. */156 void tcp_ncsim_ thread_start(void)158 /** Start simulator handler fibril. */ 159 void tcp_ncsim_fibril_start(void) 157 160 { 158 thread_id_t tid; 159 int rc; 161 fid_t fid; 160 162 161 log_msg(LVL_DEBUG, "tcp_ncsim_ thread_start()");163 log_msg(LVL_DEBUG, "tcp_ncsim_fibril_start()"); 162 164 163 rc = thread_create(tcp_ncsim_thread, NULL, "ncsim", &tid);164 if ( rc != EOK) {165 log_msg(LVL_ERROR, "Failed creating ncsim thread.");165 fid = fibril_create(tcp_ncsim_fibril, NULL); 166 if (fid == 0) { 167 log_msg(LVL_ERROR, "Failed creating ncsim fibril."); 166 168 return; 167 169 } 170 171 fibril_add_ready(fid); 168 172 } 169 173 -
r5b26747 rbed78cb 40 40 extern void tcp_ncsim_init(void); 41 41 extern void tcp_ncsim_bounce_seg(tcp_sockpair_t *, tcp_segment_t *); 42 extern void tcp_ncsim_thread_start(void); 43 42 extern void tcp_ncsim_fibril_start(void); 44 43 45 44 #endif -
r5b26747 rbed78cb 39 39 #include <io/log.h> 40 40 #include <stdlib.h> 41 #include < thread.h>41 #include <fibril.h> 42 42 #include "conn.h" 43 43 #include "pdu.h" … … 128 128 } 129 129 130 /** Receive queue handler thread. */131 static void tcp_rqueue_thread(void *arg)130 /** Receive queue handler fibril. */ 131 static int tcp_rqueue_fibril(void *arg) 132 132 { 133 133 link_t *link; 134 134 tcp_rqueue_entry_t *rqe; 135 135 136 log_msg(LVL_DEBUG, "tcp_rqueue_ thread()");136 log_msg(LVL_DEBUG, "tcp_rqueue_fibril()"); 137 137 138 138 while (true) { … … 142 142 tcp_as_segment_arrived(&rqe->sp, rqe->seg); 143 143 } 144 145 /* Not reached */ 146 return 0; 144 147 } 145 148 146 /** Start receive queue handler thread. */147 void tcp_rqueue_ thread_start(void)149 /** Start receive queue handler fibril. */ 150 void tcp_rqueue_fibril_start(void) 148 151 { 149 thread_id_t tid; 150 int rc; 152 fid_t fid; 151 153 152 log_msg(LVL_DEBUG, "tcp_rqueue_ thread_start()");154 log_msg(LVL_DEBUG, "tcp_rqueue_fibril_start()"); 153 155 154 rc = thread_create(tcp_rqueue_thread, NULL, "rqueue", &tid);155 if ( rc != EOK) {156 log_msg(LVL_ERROR, "Failed creating rqueue thread.");156 fid = fibril_create(tcp_rqueue_fibril, NULL); 157 if (fid == 0) { 158 log_msg(LVL_ERROR, "Failed creating rqueue fibril."); 157 159 return; 158 160 } 161 162 fibril_add_ready(fid); 159 163 } 160 164 -
r5b26747 rbed78cb 42 42 extern void tcp_rqueue_insert_seg(tcp_sockpair_t *, tcp_segment_t *); 43 43 extern void tcp_rqueue_handler(void *); 44 extern void tcp_rqueue_ thread_start(void);44 extern void tcp_rqueue_fibril_start(void); 45 45 46 46 -
r5b26747 rbed78cb 180 180 181 181 tcp_rqueue_init(); 182 tcp_rqueue_ thread_start();182 tcp_rqueue_fibril_start(); 183 183 184 184 tcp_ncsim_init(); 185 tcp_ncsim_ thread_start();185 tcp_ncsim_fibril_start(); 186 186 187 187 if (0) tcp_test(); -
r5b26747 rbed78cb 38 38 #include <errno.h> 39 39 #include <stdio.h> 40 #include < thread.h>40 #include <fibril.h> 41 41 #include <str.h> 42 42 #include "tcp_type.h" … … 47 47 #define RCV_BUF_SIZE 64 48 48 49 static voidtest_srv(void *arg)49 static int test_srv(void *arg) 50 50 { 51 51 tcp_conn_t *conn; … … 84 84 85 85 printf("test_srv() terminating\n"); 86 return 0; 86 87 } 87 88 88 static voidtest_cli(void *arg)89 static int test_cli(void *arg) 89 90 { 90 91 tcp_conn_t *conn; … … 112 113 printf("C: User close...\n"); 113 114 tcp_uc_close(conn); 115 116 return 0; 114 117 } 115 118 116 119 void tcp_test(void) 117 120 { 118 thread_id_t srv_tid; 119 thread_id_t cli_tid; 120 int rc; 121 fid_t srv_fid; 122 fid_t cli_fid; 121 123 122 124 printf("tcp_test()\n"); … … 125 127 126 128 if (0) { 127 rc = thread_create(test_srv, NULL, "test_srv", &srv_tid);128 if ( rc != EOK) {129 printf("Failed to create server thread.\n");129 srv_fid = fibril_create(test_srv, NULL); 130 if (srv_fid == 0) { 131 printf("Failed to create server fibril.\n"); 130 132 return; 131 133 } 134 135 fibril_add_ready(srv_fid); 132 136 } 133 137 134 138 if (0) { 135 rc = thread_create(test_cli, NULL, "test_cli", &cli_tid);136 if ( rc != EOK) {137 printf("Failed to create client thread.\n");139 cli_fid = fibril_create(test_cli, NULL); 140 if (cli_fid == 0) { 141 printf("Failed to create client fibril.\n"); 138 142 return; 139 143 } 144 145 fibril_add_ready(cli_fid); 140 146 } 141 147 }
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