Changes in uspace/srv/net/nil/eth/eth_header.h [21580dd:aadf01e] in mainline
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r21580dd raadf01e 121 121 struct eth_ieee_lsap{ 122 122 /** Destination Service Access Point identifier. 123 * 124 */ 125 uint8_t 123 * The possible values are assigned by an IEEE committee. 124 */ 125 uint8_t dsap; 126 126 /** Source Service Access Point identifier. 127 * 128 */ 129 uint8_t 127 * The possible values are assigned by an IEEE committee. 128 */ 129 uint8_t ssap; 130 130 /** Control parameter. 131 * 132 */ 133 uint8_t 131 * The possible values are assigned by an IEEE committee. 132 */ 133 uint8_t ctrl; 134 134 } __attribute__ ((packed)); 135 135 … … 139 139 /** Protocol identifier or organization code. 140 140 */ 141 uint8_t protocol[ 3];141 uint8_t protocol[3]; 142 142 /** Ethernet protocol identifier in the network byte order (big endian). 143 143 * @see ethernet_protocols.h 144 144 */ 145 uint16_t 145 uint16_t ethertype; 146 146 } __attribute__ ((packed)); 147 147 … … 153 153 * All should be set to ETH_PREAMBLE. 154 154 */ 155 uint8_t preamble[ 7];155 uint8_t preamble[7]; 156 156 /** Start of Frame Delimiter used for the frame transmission synchronization. 157 157 * Should be set to ETH_SFD. 158 158 */ 159 uint8_t 159 uint8_t sfd; 160 160 } __attribute__ ((packed)); 161 161 … … 165 165 /** Destination host Ethernet address (MAC address). 166 166 */ 167 uint8_t destination_address[ ETH_ADDR];167 uint8_t destination_address[ETH_ADDR]; 168 168 /** Source host Ethernet address (MAC address). 169 169 */ 170 uint8_t source_address[ ETH_ADDR];170 uint8_t source_address[ETH_ADDR]; 171 171 /** Ethernet protocol identifier in the network byte order (big endian). 172 172 * @see ethernet_protocols.h 173 173 */ 174 uint16_t 174 uint16_t ethertype; 175 175 } __attribute__ ((packed)); 176 176 … … 180 180 /** Ethernet header. 181 181 */ 182 eth_header_t 182 eth_header_t header; 183 183 /** LSAP extension. 184 184 * If DSAP and SSAP are set to ETH_LSAP_SNAP the SNAP extension is being used. 185 185 * If DSAP and SSAP fields are equal to ETH_RAW the raw Ethernet packet without any extensions is being used and the frame content starts rigth after the two fields. 186 186 */ 187 eth_ieee_lsap_t 187 eth_ieee_lsap_t lsap; 188 188 } __attribute__ ((packed)); 189 189 … … 193 193 /** Ethernet header. 194 194 */ 195 eth_header_t 195 eth_header_t header; 196 196 /** LSAP extension. 197 197 * If DSAP and SSAP are set to ETH_LSAP_SNAP the SNAP extension is being used. 198 198 * If DSAP and SSAP fields are equal to ETH_RAW the raw Ethernet packet without any extensions is being used and the frame content starts rigth after the two fields. 199 199 */ 200 eth_ieee_lsap_t 200 eth_ieee_lsap_t lsap; 201 201 /** SNAP extension. 202 202 */ 203 eth_snap_t 203 eth_snap_t snap; 204 204 } __attribute__ ((packed)); 205 205
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