Changeset a9c6b966 in mainline for uspace/lib/net/tl/socket_core.c

2010-11-19T22:04:12Z (14 years ago)
Jiri Svoboda <jiri@…>
lfn, master, serial, ticket/834-toolchain-update, topic/msim-upgrade, topic/simplify-dev-export
0b4a67a, fdbc3ff
a7811f17 (diff), 1bfd3d3 (diff)
Note: this is a merge changeset, the changes displayed below correspond to the merge itself.
Use the (diff) links above to see all the changes relative to each parent.

Merge netstart removal and doxytag cleanup.

1 edited


  • uspace/lib/net/tl/socket_core.c

    ra7811f17 ra9c6b966  
    156156 * @param[in] key       The socket key identifier.
    157157 * @param[in] key_length The socket key length.
    158  * @returns             EOK on success.
    159  * @returns             ENOMEM if there is not enough memory left.
     158 * @return              EOK on success.
     159 * @return              ENOMEM if there is not enough memory left.
    160160 */
    161161static int
    194194 * @param[in] socket    The socket to be added.
    195195 * @param[in] port      The port number to be bound to.
    196  * @returns             EOK on success.
    197  * @returns             ENOMEM if there is not enough memory left.
    198  * @returns             Other error codes as defined for the
     196 * @return              EOK on success.
     197 * @return              ENOMEM if there is not enough memory left.
     198 * @return              Other error codes as defined for the
    199199 *                       socket_ports_add() function.
    200200 */
    248248 * @param[in] free_ports_end The maximum free port.
    249249 * @param[in] last_used_port The last used free port.
    250  * @returns             EOK on success.
    251  * @returns             ENOTSOCK if the socket was not found.
    252  * @returns             EAFNOSUPPORT if the address family is not supported.
    253  * @returns             EADDRINUSE if the port is already in use.
    254  * @returns             Other error codes as defined for the
     250 * @return              EOK on success.
     251 * @return              ENOTSOCK if the socket was not found.
     252 * @return              EAFNOSUPPORT if the address family is not supported.
     253 * @return              EADDRINUSE if the port is already in use.
     254 * @return              Other error codes as defined for the
    255255 *                      socket_bind_free_port() function.
    256  * @returns             Other error codes as defined for the
     256 * @return              Other error codes as defined for the
    257257 *                      socket_bind_insert() function.
    258258 */
    322322 * @param[in] free_ports_end The maximum free port.
    323323 * @param[in] last_used_port The last used free port.
    324  * @returns             EOK on success.
    325  * @returns             ENOTCONN if no free port was found.
    326  * @returns             Other error codes as defined for the
     324 * @return              EOK on success.
     325 * @return              ENOTCONN if no free port was found.
     326 * @return              Other error codes as defined for the
    327327 *                      socket_bind_insert() function.
    328328 */
    367367 *                      requested. A negative identifier is requested if set to
    368368 *                      false.
    369  * @returns             The new socket identifier.
    370  * @returns             ELIMIT if there is no socket identifier available.
     369 * @return              The new socket identifier.
     370 * @return              ELIMIT if there is no socket identifier available.
    371371 */
    372372static int socket_generate_new_id(socket_cores_t *local_sockets, int positive)
    410410 *                      chosen if set to zero or negative. A negative identifier
    411411 *                      is chosen if set to negative.
    412  * @returns             EOK on success.
    413  * @returns             EINVAL if the socket_id parameter is NULL.
    414  * @returns             ENOMEM if there is not enough memory left.
     412 * @return              EOK on success.
     413 * @return              EINVAL if the socket_id parameter is NULL.
     414 * @return              ENOMEM if there is not enough memory left.
    415415 */
    482482 * @param[in,out] global_sockets The global sockets to be updated.
    483483 * @param[in] socket_release The client release callback function.
    484  * @returns             EOK on success.
    485  * @returns             ENOTSOCK if the socket is not found.
     484 * @return              EOK on success.
     485 * @return              ENOTSOCK if the socket is not found.
    486486 */
    516516 * @param[in] packet    The packet to be transfered.
    517517 * @param[out] length   The total data length.
    518  * @returns             EOK on success.
    519  * @returns             EBADMEM if the length parameter is NULL.
    520  * @returns             ENOMEM if there is not enough memory left.
    521  * @returns             Other error codes as defined for the data_reply()
     518 * @return              EOK on success.
     519 * @return              EBADMEM if the length parameter is NULL.
     520 * @return              ENOMEM if there is not enough memory left.
     521 * @return              Other error codes as defined for the data_reply()
    522522 *                      function.
    523523 */
    598598 * @param[in] key       The socket key identifier.
    599599 * @param[in] key_length The socket key length.
    600  * @returns             The found socket.
    601  * @returns             NULL if no socket was found.
     600 * @return              The found socket.
     601 * @return              NULL if no socket was found.
    602602 */
    603603socket_core_t *
    673673 * @param[in] key       The socket key identifier.
    674674 * @param[in] key_length The socket key length.
    675  * @returns             EOK on success.
    676  * @returns             ENOENT if the port is not already used.
    677  * @returns             Other error codes as defined for the
     675 * @return              EOK on success.
     676 * @return              ENOENT if the port is not already used.
     677 * @return              Other error codes as defined for the
    678678 *                      socket_port_add_core() function.
    679679 */
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